An acquaintance recently faced the devastating loss of her young adult son, who battled chronic, life-threatening health issues his entire life. This remarkable young man endured hardships no parent should ever have to witness. His mother became his fierce protector, her strength drawn from deep spiritual faith and a mother's unconditional love. This tragic event deeply affected me and my family and reinforced many of the thoughts I've been having lately. Recently, I'd been sharing with my best friend the conviction I'd been feeling to be a good steward of what I value most in my life, and this theme has become a continual talking point between the two of us. Life can change in an instant, and it is important to fight for and become a warrior in prioritizing the things that really matter, such as my physical and spiritual health, caring for my family, and honoring my relationships.
It all started with a series of podcasts recommended by my best friend. They highlighted the essential nutrition my body needed, the link between exercise and brain health, and the importance of longevity. Although I had studied these factors before, this time, I viewed the information through the lens of self-love. Taking care of my body by eating properly and exercising is not about vanity or guilt but self-love. I came to terms with the fact that eating healthier and exercising daily will strengthen my brain, protect my body, make me feel better, help me live longer, and allow me to be more present for those around me. This mindset shift has filled me with excitement for this journey of self-care and stewardship.
Alongside caring for my body, I was reminded of the importance of my spiritual health. My life has presented many tough challenges, and while I hope I've faced the worst, there are no guarantees. Even though I sometimes question why certain things happen and momentarily get angry with God, I realize the crucial role He plays in my life, providing security, strength, and peace. Life without Him is not an option. God's love is the most important thing in my life, and I find it every time during my quiet time and meditation. These daily communications with God have proven essential for my routine and joy, and I look forward to continuing my morning conversations with Him.
As my reflections deepened, particularly regarding my relationships, my thoughts immediately turned to my family. Have I been a great husband? Over 25 years ago, I married an incredible woman who dedicated her life to our family, even stepping away from a successful career to care for our two daughters. Although my wife has often expressed gratitude throughout our marriage for the life we've lived and seldom raised any complaints, I questioned if I've done enough as a husband to give her all she deserves. I also wish I could say I've always been the most present husband or that I've consistently met her emotional needs. Naturally, I've carried guilt because of this. I've come to realize now that I can't change the past, but I can strive each day to be the husband and father my family deserves—a goal I now approach with excitement and hope rather than guilt. Again, it is about changing the mindset.
Reflecting on the blessings of my friendships, I am particularly grateful for the small group I call my friends, my "board of directors," my "top five." One individual in this group came into my life when I was at my lowest point and has consistently shown through countless actions what it meant to be a true friend, demonstrating unconditional love and acceptance. I realize how blessed I am to have him, as his friendship fills me up with laughter, support, security, and brotherly love. I now choose to honor this relationship and those who positively impact my life by providing them the same love and support they have modeled. Being a good steward motivates me to become a better friend to those I hold dear in my heart and who I've been blessed with.
I am fortunate to have experienced these emotions and signs over the past weeks, as they have reinforced the message of taking care of what has been given to me. I realize that I have no control over what will happen tomorrow and that my life could be completely different. So, I choose to honor and be extremely grateful for what I have.
Husband | Father | Founder at myTOD